====== Current political events ====== What is the status of the legalization of hemp in Switzerland? Here you will find an overview of the political events concerning cannabis. ===== Parliamentary initiative ===== The parliamentary initiative of Heinz Siegenthaler wants to legally re-regulate cultivation, production, trade and consumption of cannabis containing THC according to the recommendations of the [[https://hanflegal.ch/eksf|Federal Commission on Addiction Issues (EKSF)]]. ((The EKSF has been replaced by, among others, the "Federal Commission on Addiction and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (EKSN)" as of 2020)). **For more information, see [[en:aktuelles/pi2020|Parliamentary Initiative]]** ===== Popular initiative ===== From 2016 to 2018, we did some [[en:aktuelles/vorbereitungeninitiative|preparatory work for]] a new popular initiative. Since 2019, the newly founded association Cannabis Consensus Switzerland is responsible for this. **You can find out more at [[https://cannabis-consensus.ch|cannabis-consensus.ch]]** ===== Discussions on the amendment of the NarcA ===== On April 28, 2021, the Federal Council published its [[https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/strategie-und-politik/politische-auftraege-und-aktionsplaene/drogenpolitik/perspektiven-drogenpolitik.html|Perspectives on drug policy until 2030]]. Many texts on the topic can be found here. New ones, but also older ones, which together provide a good overview of where we stand in terms of drug policy. One thing is certain: Fast looks different. [[en:thc_recht/diskussionenbetmg|You can find our articles from past years here. ]]