====== Discussions on the amendment of the NarcA ====== * [[en:thc_recht:li1000303|Winter 2023/24: The sub-commission may continue discussions]] * [[https://www.newsd.admin.ch/newsd/message/attachments/83790.pdf|Overview of the legal situation for hemp products, with discussion of possible changes (November 2023, in German)]] * [[en:thc_recht:li970303|Spring 2023: Legalization in the endless loop?]] * [[en:thc_recht:li950304|Fall 2022: Another cannabis policy cycle begins]] * [[en:thc_recht:li940303|Summer 2022: What became of the parliamentary initiative?]] * [[en:thc_recht/li930303|Spring 2022: Next policy steps: Permits, facilitations]] * [[en:thc_recht/li921212|Winter 2021/22: Opinion of the population on legalization and regulation]] * [[en:thc_recht/li920303|Winter 2021/22: Policy overview: What has been going on?]] * [[en:thc_recht/li911212|Summer 2021: Federal Council report: clarify, wait, 2031...]] * [[en:thc_recht/li910811|Summer 2021: When will it become legal in Switzerland?]] * [[en:thc_recht/li910303|Summer 2021: Policy overview: What has been going on?]] * [[https://sotomo.ch/site/projekte/einstellung-legalisierung-und-regulierung-cannabis/|Study "Attitude legalization and regulation cannabis" by Sotomo on behalf of the FOPH (July2021).]] * [[en:thc_recht/li900303|Spring 2021: The state of politics at the beginning of the year 2021]] * [[en:thc_recht/li890707|Winter 20/21: New proposal in parliament: Will it bring a breakthrough?]] * [[en:thc_recht/li890606|Winter 20/21: Deliberations on medicinal hemp have begun]] * [[en:thc_recht/li890405|A pilot project for cannabis social clubs?]] * [[en:thc_recht/li890303|Winter 20/21: Cannabis pilot testing ahead of implementation]] * [[en:thc_recht/li880203|Fall 2020: pilots on track, but what can they deliver?]] * [[en:thc_recht/li870203|Spring 2020: A first accent in the newly elected parliament]] * [[en:thc_recht/li860203|A changed parliament and the pending hemp business in winter 2019/20]] * [[en:thc_recht/li850203|Ahead of the October 2019 elections and overview of the four areas of hemp policy.]] * [[en:thc_recht/li840203|Overview of the four areas of hemp policy in the summer of 2019.]] * [[en:thc_recht/li820607|Hemp policy at the end of 2018: legalization a long way off]] * [[en:thc_recht/li810609|The political situation in autumn 2018]] * [[en:thc_recht/li770707|Summer 2017: The cities in search of a better deal]] * [[en:thc_recht/li730202|Spring 2016: Switzerland discusses and lags behind]] * [[en:thc_recht/li710303|Book Recommendation Fall 2015: The Cannabis Madness - Why Prohibition Hurts Us]] * [[en:thc_recht/li690707|Summer 2015: The next big thing or repression as usual?]] * [[en:thc_recht/li680404a|Spring 2015: Bern wants to finalize the project]] * [[en:thc_recht/diskussionen_sommer_2014|The state of discussions in summer 2014]] A good insight into the problems that would have to be solved in the case of a **municipal cannabis dispensary** is provided by the response of the Basel-Stadt government council to a question from a member of parliament in May 2014: * [[http://www.grosserrat.bs.ch/de/aktuell/neue-berichte-und-schreiben?such_kategorie=1&content_detail=200106339|Request overview]] * [[http://www.grosserrat.bs.ch/dokumente/100377/000000377924.pdf|PDF with the comprehensive answer of the government council]]