From the Seki (LI74)

For several months now, I have been working on the 10th edition of Shit happens in bits and pieces, whenever I could free up a few hours for it. Much has been prepared, thought about and the problematic areas identified. Now I need a few weeks to concentrate on the Shit happens 10. For this purpose, the next two months are reserved and I ask for your understanding that from July until mid-August 2016 I will only be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon.

The status of our major donation collection 2016: In order to make this revision possible at all, we called for major donations and received most of them. Thus, the time until the end of August 2016 is now secured, many thanks to all donors! The printing costs, however, are still open: Anyone who can make a donation for this is cordially invited to do so.

Our new activists have started the preparatory work for a new hemp initiative: On April 20, 2016, the database was launched to collect the necessary supporters. Now there are already more than 9'500 entries in it - so a first step towards 100'000 is done.

In September 2016 another CannaTrade will take place, again with a booth from Legalize it! Some have already signed up to help at our booth, more active people are welcome and please get in touch by mid-August. A flyer for this year's hemp fair is attached to our mailing.

Hanfig greets your secretary: Sven Schendekehl