“Zero tolerance - drug prevention in the armed forces bears first fruits” was the headline of the DDPS (Defense, Civil Protection, Sports) in its media information of December 9, 2003. Instead of 683 disciplinary sanctions for illegal drug use in 2002, there were “only” 472 sanctions in the armed forces in 2003 (most of them probably for cannabis use). According to the DDPS, this shows that fewer members of the armed forces are using illegal drugs today than in the past. This seems to me to be too superficial a view. When the army in this and the last year also increasingly punished smokers, word must have got around among the smokers recruits, soldiers and officers that it is better not to get caught using hemp. Thus, better care was taken when smoking pot. Because the consumption of drugs, whether legal or illegal, is still widespread. Also in the military. And to ensure that members of the armed forces behave well on the SBB, military police officers will now also patrol the trains. However, they will strictly look after soldiers and recruits only, not civilians. So soon, recruits who smoke pot will be heckled by military and railroad police … . .
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