Project Shit happens, the 10th edition

We would like to revise our legal info by fall 2016 and bring it out in an updated Shit happens 10. Here I show the necessary elements so that we can succeed in the new edition again.

Initial situation

Where are we in December 2015? It is not going to be legal soon. On the contrary, repression is rampant: This year's seed prosecution has shown that again. Now the canton of Fribourg has closed growshops.

The big announced urban dispensary projects for thousands of hemp users have shrunk to 300 to 900 participants (NZZ, 30.10.15). The applications for this are to be submitted to the FOPH by mid-2016. So nothing big will come of it - if at all. Nobody talks about Cannabis Social Clubs anymore.

The 9th edition of our Shit happens from the fall of 2013 will soon be out of the house: About 300 copies are still in the office; these will probably suffice until the summer of 2016.

We have already published three supplements to it (the first answers to the open questions, the repression overview in table form and the findings on the problems with a police interrogation).

Two years have passed since the 9th edition was printed: Many consultations, documents, findings and statistics have been added. We can add, clarify and complete some things.

It would also be good if we had an up-to-date edition ready for CannaTrade 2016.

So an update is worthwhile, the info is ready and according to our statutes a new edition is almost a must…

On our the three additions are attached to the text from the SH9 (in the blue boxes). Again, the old and the new should now be merged. The concept of summarizing the main topics in the printed brochure and then referring to the details in the wiki has proven successful and should be continued.


What all needs to be done? (without name=Sven, italicsthe parallel work for Legalize it!, especially issue 74)

The LI73 should be out in early March, so I could start the Shit happens 10 project from mid-March.
Week 12 Existing reading (SH9, E123, Wiki)
Week 13 Make plan what to change and how
Week 14 Set number of topics/pages
Week 15 Quotation printing company and schedule definite
Weeks 16+17Research, clarify, specify
May (incl. production LI74)
Weeks 18-21 Writing (for printed brochure, for wiki)
June (incl. shipping LI74)
Weeks 22+23 Layout and clean up texts
Weeks 24+25 Corrections rough, in two parts (Ruth, Sandra, Sh., Yves, Rebi).
Week 26 Corrections Details (Fabian)
Weeks 27+28Optimize PDF for Print and Good to Print
Weeks 29+30Printing (printing house)
Week 31 Shipping (all)
Week 32 (Dispatch to media, actions)
Weeks 33+34 Process result
Week 35 Cannatrade 2016, 2. - 4.9.16
The LI75 will then not appear until December.

That gives 24 weeks, about six months, until the CannaTrade appearance. So I have to be able to work for half a year without financial worries, so that this project can succeed. Some members have already agreed to help.

Open questions

What needs to be clarified?

What should be the scope? What exactly do we want to bring in the new edition: More like overviews and summaries, so just a rudimentary booklet with a few overviews and links? Or similar to the 9th edition? Or even a book, with a cover and a lot of info?

What must necessarily be in the brochure, what do we only put in the wiki? Do we do QR codes again or just links? How do we structure the old/new info in the wiki?

We certainly want to integrate the answers to the “open questions” and our extensions 1 to 3. Are there any new open questions? What can be usefully clarified, what needs to remain open?

How large should the circulation be (e.g. 1,000 books, 5,000 brochures or 20,000 overview brochures)?


Where do the brochures go? The Shit happens 9 had a print run of 5,000 copies and they are now almost gone. So such a size makes sense. An approximate breakdown of such a print run could look like this:

  • 1'000 copies are needed immediately (shipping members, orders members)
  • 1,000 copies could make up the prepaid copies for bulk orderers
  • 1'000 copies we need over the next two, three years (orders, new members)
  • 1'000 copies we could bring under the people at the CannaTrade
  • This means that 1,000 copies are still open, which is probably a good thing. Because a special opportunity for distribution or as an insert should come in the next few years.

However, depending on the situation, a different circulation and distribution system makes more sense (see open questions).


What finances are needed? At the moment our budget shows that I can continue working until the end of February 2016, in the meantime we were able to postpone the termination date until then - here again a big thank you to all the donors who made this possible with their big and small contributions!

Printing costs about 4,000 CHF (for 5,000 copies of 32 pages each, as for the 9th edition, or more or less, depending on pages and print run).

Added to this is my time, more precisely the part that cannot be covered by current income and has been compensated in recent years by the large-scale fundraising. This corresponds to about 14,000 CHF for half a year (March to August 2016).

The budget for Shit happens 10 therefore requires at least 18,000 CHF, 20,000 would be better. This sum must be collected (paid in or firmly pledged) by February 29, 2016 at the latest. We will draw a first interim balance at the association meeting at the end of January.


How can this be financed? With this article, I am now starting the search for money. At the beginning of 2016, I will follow up again with an updated project description and the status of the collection.

In parallel, I will contact members specifically interested in the topic, as well as various organizations and companies that might be interested in supporting or pre-financing a certain number of brochures.

There is too little time for crowdfunding. This needs about 150 days for processing - but only 80 days are available until the end of February.

If it succeeds, then I'll start according to plan in March. If it doesn't work out, and there is no other possibility, then it will be very tight for our/my secretarial position. We are already on very thin ice financially.

Now I am curious whether we can manage it together!

Your support?

A new edition of our Shit happens is always a big undertaking for our association. Before we can start with this project in March 2016, we need the necessary basics: a clear goal (new edition Shit happens and updated links to, the necessary funds (around 20'000 CHF) and a few people who want to and can do it. To work out these basics, I wrote this concept.

Do you want to collaborate?

Then please contact me soon. Think about what activities you can offer and how much time you can spend on it until August 2016. Clarifications, layout/ graphics, corrections and finding further sources of money are possible fields of activity.

Do you want to co-finance?

Donations and large donations are very important for this project. It would also be possible that you receive a number of Shit happens for your donation (probably around 4 CHF per copy; a donation of 1'000 CHF could therefore correspond to 250 copies) - this is probably more for companies or organizations to distribute to their customers/members.

Who is responsible for this project?

Sven Schendekehl (Member of the Board, Secretary), 079 581 90 44

2016: 20 years Shit happens

In 1996 we were able to publish the first edition of a legal aid brochure around the prosecution of smoking pot. 20 years later, I am now really preparing the 10th edition.

Whether that will succeed is as open as it was for the first nine editions. All of them had their own mode of financing: contributions from independent street work, loans, large donations from private individuals, advance sales of brochures to various organizations, sometimes in-house printing in small editions when the money was almost completely lacking. But otherwise mostly 5'000 copies circulation. Total of all editions so far: 38,000 copies.

Now the attempt to do the 10th edition. I am glad to receive information about concrete cases of persecution, hints to further interested persons and promises for cooperation. So that the 10th edition succeeds!

Last modified: 2024/03/27 08:56

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Shit happens 15 (Summer 2023)

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