We bring you the third part of Ruth's chronology on the hunger strike of Bernard Rappaz (BR) and the activities surrounding this affair. If you want to ask BR questions, feel free to write us - we will forward them.
11.1.11 All newspapers report! E.g. Tagi: Hemp farmer BR again in prison in Valais. On Christmas Eve he ended his hunger strike after not eating for 120 days.
12.1.11 Letter to Legalize it! Is the report about BR so okay ? Copy card written by BR on 1.1.11, received on 10.1.11.
Aargauerz.: Penal system. Humiliating treatment in Hindelbank, Granges, Brig. Prisoners have to bend naked against the wall.
NZZ: Commission examines prisons.
21.1.11 Letter from BR. He has already gained some weight. He thanks for the press reports.
25.1.11 BR gets a food package from Sandra and me.
01.2.11 Phone from Sandra. She has received mail from BR. He was very happy with the package. On 9.5. he has his next trial.
11.2.11 Blick am Abend: Outraged: SVP politician Oskar Freysinger from Valais sues because he was caricatured as an SS officer by a cartoonist.
14.2.11 Birthday letter (18.2.) to BR.
20.2.11 Sonntagsz.: BR has quickly found a new combat zone after his 124-day hunger strike. Switzerland's most famous prisoner put his signature under a petition with which the inmates of the Crêtelongue prison in Granges defend themselves against the bad food. This was revealed yesterday by the Valais newspaper “Le Nouvelliste”.
23.2.11 Aargauerz.: Rappaz' force-feeding remains unresolved. The Federal Court leaves open whether BR's doctor at the Geneva University Hospital was allowed to be obliged by the Valais judiciary to force-feed the hemp farmer. According to the court, a clarification of the question is unnecessary after the breaking off of BR's hunger strike.
08.3.11 Package to BR. Hello Bernard, everything okay? Many greetings and bon appétit, Ruth.
09.3.11 Tel. to Sandra. She received mail from BR today. The French TV had been with him.
12.3.11 Card from BR. Many, many greetings and thank you very much for your package. Hmm, that is very good. Everything is ok here. I work 50%. Time goes fast…
17.3.11 NZZ: Cannabis consumption. The National Council wants the consumption of cannabis and the acquisition for personal use to remain punishable. With 103 to 51 votes it did not follow a parliamentary initiative by Katharina Prelicz-Huber. In the commission, the proposal had only narrowly failed.
DRS Aktuell TV 7 p.m.: Today, the Valais Grand Council negotiated about force-feeding. In the future, this should be regulated by law. SVP does not want force-feeding. Majority wants a regulation, Waeber-Kalbermatten is happy, but she would prefer a nationwide regulation.
13.4.11 Packet to BR.
28.4.11 Card from BR. Thank you for your package.
03.5.11 Card to BR. Wish you much strength and good luck for the trial on 9 & 10.5.
04.5.11 Sandra sends some books “Die Drogenlüge” by Mathias Bröckers to newspapers and draws attention to BR's next trial.
Letter to Legalize it! Would be good someone could go to BR's trial.
09.5.11 DRS Aktuell TV 7pm: Monday, shortly before 8am, BR leaves a police bus in handcuffs. He can talk to the press: I feel good. Light, light as hemp. The trial is about the years 2002 to 2006. I hope the judges show their human face. He is a political prisoner. prosecutor Jean-Pierre Gros demands 28 months in prison.
10.5.11 Aargauerz.: Hemp farmer Bernard Rappaz should be in prison even longer (photo).
DRS Aktuell, TV 7 p.m.: The verdict: 12 months unconditional.
11.5.11 Bernerz., NZZ, Neue Luzernerz., Aargauerz., Baslerz., St. Gallerz., Tages-Anzeiger, Der Bund (photo): Rappaz appeals against additional sentence.
13.5.11 Reussbote Mellingen: Rappaz appeals against sentence. He is currently serving a sentence of 5 years and 8 months.
15.5.11 NZZ am Sonntag: Hemp farmer Bernard Rappaz (photo) receives another prison sentence.
20.5.11 Tel. from Sandra. She has received mail from BR. He sends his regards. He is doing well.
27.5.11 Card from BR: We are making recours!
Mail from Sandra: Letter from Tagi journalist R. Diethelm.
07.6.11 Sandra's answer to R. Diethelm.
15.6.11 Send BR a food parcel.
16.6.11 Phone from Sandra. She received mail from BR today. The famous director Jean-Luc Godard wants to make a documentary about him.
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