New parliamentary proposal: Will it bring a breakthrough?

Again a parliamentary initiative has been started, which demands a new way of dealing with hemp. Text and justification are good. If this initiative receives support, many things are possible. The decisive factor will then be what concrete legal text emerges from it.

An end to prohibition

“Regulation of the cannabis market for better protection of young people and consumers” is the name of the parliamentary initiative submitted by Heinz Siegenthaler (National Councillor, Center Group) in September 2020. This is now about more than limited pilot projects or small steps for medical hemp. This is about “regulating THC-containing cannabis (…) anew by law”.

The following goals are to be achieved:

⇒ Consideration of four-pillar model

⇒ State control of production and trade (protection of minors, consumer protection and information)

⇒ Separation of medical and non-medical market.

⇒ Drying up of the black market by lifting prohibition.

⇒ Regulation of taxation and advertising

⇒ Regulation of cultivation for personal use

This addresses the most important issues that need to be clarified in the details of a specific template. However, it is in these details that the biggest problems often lie: One can have very different opinions there!

Create legalization grid

We would like to draw up a list of the central points that need to be clarified in the event of legalization, as well as place alongside them the ranges within which these can be regulated: in other words, a kind of legalization grid or map of legalization options.

This is in order to have a kind of benchmark against which initiatives and proposals can be measured - and with which perhaps a variant can be built that is capable of gaining a majority. Because in the end, a majority is needed (of the parliament, of the voters, possibly also of the states), otherwise nothing will happen.

⇒ Please get in touch if you would like to work on this project.

Last modified: 2024/03/27 08:56

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