From the Seki (LI70)

These were and are hectic weeks! I have rarely given so much legal information: The hemp seed prosecution has brought an enormous number of people into contact with the police. That is why we summarize this topic on page 2 and postpone the next article on road traffic.

The state of our major fundraising in 2015: we have made progress, albeit once again as close as possible. We were able to receive 10,250 francs in the form of large donations, and another one for 5,000 francs has been pledged. With this, we have collected half of the 30'000 needed for 2015. But that's just it: It is already the middle of the year…

An unspeakably sad news reached us from Hemp-Info in April 2015: André Fürst is dead. His commitment to hemp and its possibilities was extraordinary: The impressive Hemp Expo 2002 in Murten, for example, will always remain in our fond memories.

In these days “Der Cannabis-Irrsinn” (The Cannabis Insanity) is published, written by the BaZ journalist Mischa Hauswirth from Basel. We are curious about his assessment of the situation. The book was published by Nachtschattenverlag. You can find their current catalog in this dispatch. In exchange he has printed flyers for us and enclosed them in his dispatch.

Until July I can still be reached by phone on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon. During the July/August summer break, I will be in the office at least two days a week.

Hanfig greets your secretary: Sven Schendekehl, Summer 2015

Last modified: 2024/03/27 08:56

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